Movie Stills and other random J.Pegs
Brandon and fiancee Eliza
Scene where Funboy shoots Eric's hand
Official The Crow symbol (also Taylor Hawkins tattoo at top of left arm.)
Publicity shot
Having make-up done
Alley scene with TinTin
The Crow attacking Myca
Eric at Shelley's grave
Eric Draven
Brandon with family
Flaming Crow
Leo impaled on a gargoyle
Big fight scene
"I say I'm dead and I move."
At Funboy's window
Myca (above) and step-brother/lover Lao (below)
Roof publicity shot
Beginning when Eric has risen
Eric rising from grave
Brandon and Eliza (Brandon's quote on his love for Eliza)
Eric giving Albrecht a beer
Eric putting on the make-up (in the movie)
Shelley and Eric reunited at grave
Shelley in the bath
In Funboy's bathroom (Funboy in the bath, been shot by Eric)
Famous Crow stance
James Obarr, the creator of the three Crow movies and the original crow comics