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The Crow - movie fansite

Welcome to my site all about the 1993 movie The Crow

This movie most famously starred Brandon Lee (son of Bruce Lee) as former rock star Eric Draven, who was killed along with his fiancee, Shelley, on Devil's night, the night before their wedding.

This site not only has many pictures of Brandon/Eric, but it has the entire movie transcript and the transcript of Lee's last ever on-screen interview, right before he died.
Please recommend my site to others so that they may enjoy looking at it as much as I have enjoyed making it.

The Transcript of the movie can be viewed on the following pages, in that exact order:

-About Page
-What's new page
-Custom Page
-Custom Page 2
-Custom Page3

The Interview transcript can be viewed on the Custom Page 4, as can Lee's biography.

Please take a look at my other websites





Foo Fighter's website in progress and Radiohead one still needs photo section completed, Green Day website updated frequently.

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Eric Draven